DHH Plus: Children with Hearing Loss and Other Co-Morbidities CPDONLINE69


Session Overview: This presentation will focus on the identification and habilitation of additional disabilities/disorders in children who are deaf or hard of hearing: children with cognitive/neurological disorders, children with motor and vestibular disorders and children with cognitive disorders and deafness. Children who are deaf or hard of hearing have significant risk for vestibular and motor disorders. The ramifications, and proposed interventions will be discussed. Children with cognitive disorders and deafness can develop language commensurate with their cognitive potential. Identification of significant cognitive delay can be identified within early childhood and appropriate intervention strategies can be designed and implemented within the early –intervention period. It is possible to identify autism in children who are deaf or hard of hearing in the first three years of life and to develop appropriate interventions in early childhood for these populations.


Presenter(s): Christine Yoshinaga-Itano


Event: Trans Tasman Conference 2020
CPD Points