Panel Session: The Pathway to Meeting the Consensus and What You Need to Know for Guiding and Supporting Your Clients CPDONLINE68


Session Overview: A panel of Trans Tasmanian clinicians will join Dr Chang in discussing ways to ensure the Consensus Statement on Cochlear Implants is met. Key topics that will be discussed include encouraging referral (e.g. identification, counselling); facilitating access (e.g. funding, surgery); and ongoing support and maintenance (e.g. counselling, training, bimodal management, client well being). Dr Chang will be available to discuss the Live Surgery recorded presentation from this week and will reinforce the importance of the audiological community in ensuring a timely and holistic approach to cochlear implant surgery.


Presenter(s): Dr Phillip Chang, Dakota Bysouth-Young, Colleen Psarros, Ellen Giles, Caroline Selvaratnam


Event: Trans Tasman Conference 2020
CPD Points