Considering the Different Approaches to Managing APD CPDONLINE115


Session Overview:To the casual observer, the different approaches to managing auditory processing disorders (APDs) appear to be a mess of argument and counter-argument with no hope of consensus. By comparing and contrasting these different approaches, this presentation will argue they have far more in common than apart. From this argument, two conclusions will be drawn. The first is ongoing research (and its associated argument and counter-argument) is needed if we are to better understand auditory processing and APD. The second is this research shouldn’t distract clinical audiologists from the two key features common to all researched approaches to managing APD: 1) some people struggle to hear in difficult listening environments despite having normal (or near normal) hearing thresholds, and 2) audiologists can help.


Presenter(s): Wayne Wilson


Event: Trans Tasman Conference 2020
CPD Points