Experiencing Solutions-Based Auditory Processing Evaluations and Therapy CPDONLINE114


Session Overview:This session seeks to demonstrate the utilization of the Buffalo therapy model/Central Test Battery as a viable and innovative means to diagnose and treat Auditory Processing Disorders (APD). This session will help clinicians interpret information from assessment results in the hope of furthering earlier identification, intervention and remediation. The presentation will include demonstration of the phonemic training program, phonemic synthesis, words-in-noise tasks, and auditory memory exercises for clinician directed therapy. On completion of this session, you will be able to identify the three assessments utilized in the Buffalo Model’s Central Test Battery to diagnose APD; describe the difference between quantitative and qualitative test results on the Central Test Battery; and describe the phonemic training program including materials needed to do this work.


Presenter(s): Angela Alexander


Event: Trans Tasman Conference 2020
CPD Points