How to Read Your Clients Correctly: Practical Tips On How to Stand Out from the Crowd and Be the Best Clinician You Can Be CPDONLINE128


Session Overview: "Isn't it just the best when you and your client just 'click' and helping them hear better is so easy... fun even. And yet other times, you have that appointment where interaction is a bit stilted and almost awkward. This may be because we all fall into certain personality style categories and understanding how to interact with someone that is different to you can be the key to a flowing connection with all clients. We will look at the Driver, Analytical, Amiable and Expressive personality types and find out real life solutions to dealing with each client type, This can totally change the way you deal with each patient personally and give you useful tips which can be applied straight away in your day to day interaction. Let's meet client's needs more personally rather than providing the same cookie cutter solution. We will also discuss ways in which to stand out from the crowd, be the best Clinician in Audiology your client will ever interact with and grow your own personal word of mouth referrals."


Presenter(s): Facilitator: Sasha Benatar, Audiologist, Lions Hearing Clinic; Kelly-Mare Korcek, Director/Senior Audiologist, Hearing Sense


Event: InspirED 2020
CPD Points